Friday, November 30, 2012

Helaman 12 Unstable and Foolish

Mormon tells us that in the very hour that the Lord blesses us the most, that we have a tendency to forget him and be prideful.  This happens, he says, because “of their ease, and their exceedingly great prosperity.”  The Lord’s voice is emphasized.  When he speaks—it happens.  May we acknowledge God in all of our accomplishments, in our prosperity, in our good health, in our happiness.  As we ask, seek, and knock, may we always return thanks. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Helaman 11 They Did Not Mend Their Ways

The Lord gave Nephi the keys of the sealing power: to be able to seal on earth things pertaining to God’s will.  Nephi asked God to bring a famine upon the land so that the people, who had become wicked again, would not die by the sword.  The famine came and the people repented.  Then the rains came as Nephi unsealed the heavens.  The people rejoiced but could not maintain their penitence very long.  They did not mend their ways despite all they had witnessed in terms of the miraculous sealing priesthood powers of their prophet. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Helaman 10 Unwearyingness

The Lord spoke these words to Nephi: “Blessed art thou Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwearyingness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast no sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments.  And now, because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless thee forever….”  Ponder the meaning of the word unwearyingness.  It brings to mind an undeviating course of righteous thoughts and works.  It means I don’t murmur about my duties.  It means I look forward with joy to each day with its many nuances and specifics.  Small and simple things to do are my song and my happiness.  Many smiles and words of encouragement are upon my lips. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Helaman 9 The Prophet Receives Revelation

I believe that Nephi was a prophet.  Through revelation he determined the facts of a murder case.  Some of the people were converted by observing this experience.  I believe Thomas S. Monson is a prophet today.  Through the Holy Spirit he has discerned time and time again the needs of individuals who needed his help and blessing.  I believe every story he has told about receiving directions from God to bless others.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Helaman 8 Many Evidences of Christ

Nephi bears witness of Christ.  He bears witness of the prophets of God.  He warns those who reject the prophets and the many evidences of Christ. He warns those who have “rebelled against your holy God.”  He testifies that we “should look upon the Son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit…that [we] might live, even unto that life which is eternal.”  I add my witness that God lives and loves us.  To the extent that we find ourselves rebelling against that which is holy, I pray that we can repent and humble ourselves. May our hearts receive correction from the Spirit with gladness and contrition.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Helaman 7 Except Ye Repent

When we hear a lesson on repentance we have a tendency to think of someone else who needs to repent.  When I read about Nephi mourning over the wickedness of his people saying to them three times, “Except ye repent…thou shalt be utterly destroyed,” I have a tendency to look at others in my life who could benefit from his words.  But what I need to do is look for the need to repent in my life and bring my will into greater consistency with the Lord’s will. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Helaman 6 Go Figure

In the sixty-second year of the reign of the judges, we have the Lamanites being more righteous than the Nephites.  The Lamanites began coming into Nephite lands and preaching the gospel with power and authority.  All of the people began to be righteous and as a result they became prosperous and rich.  It was an unprecedented period of peace between the two nations.  But by the sixty-eighth year the Nephites had fallen into the ways of the Gadianton robbers and murderers, while the Lamanites had remained righteous, preaching the word of God to the Gadiantons and completely destroying their society.  Only six years and the Nephites had completely fallen!  This teaches me how critical it is to stay faithful day to day because if we turn from God it only takes a short time before we can completely lose his Spirit in our lives.  Who could have predicted that the Lamanites would be the more righteous group of people?  This shows that God is not a racist.  He favors those who love him and keep his commandments not based on their race but on their hearts.  He loves to bless us.  That is his nature.   

Monday, November 19, 2012

Helaman 5 The Rock of Christ

Mormon records the words of Helaman to his sons Nephi and Lehi.  They used these words as they departed on their mission.  Helaman said, “Behold, my sons, I desire that ye should remember to keep the commandments of God…remember, remember, my sons…that there is no other way nor means whereby man can be saved, only through the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, who shall come; yea, remember that he cometh to redeem the world….And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation.”  Helaman said that if Christ and his words are remembered deep down in one’s soul that Satan could have no power.  Lehi and Nephi took this message first to the Nephites, going city to city.  Then they went to the Lamanites converting thousands.  Eventually they travelled deep into the land of the Lamanites and were put into prison. Yet, the prison became a temple.  Mormon records, “And it came to pass that Nephi and Lehi were encircled about as if by fire, even insomuch that they durst not lay their hands upon them for fear lest they should be burned.”  Of course the Lamanites who witnessed this were struck with amazement.  A voice was heard by the observers.  It was a still small voice telling them to repent. Darkness overshadowed them. The faces of Nephi and Lehi shone in the darkness.  A Nephite dissenter, Aminadab, who was among the on-lookers, was asked what to do by the Lamanites.  He said, “You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ….”  Then the darkness dispersed and everyone was encircled by fire, but it didn’t harm them.  The Holy Ghost came and entered their hearts.  They heard the voice of the Father say, “Peace, peace be unto you because of your faith in my Well Beloved….”  Angels then came down out of heaven and ministered to them.  There were three hundred Lamanites there and they immediately went and spread the word about their experiences to all of the rest of the Lamanites.  Upon hearing about these things most of the Lamanites were converted!  What a turn of events!  There were now more righteous Lamanites than there were righteous Nephites.  

It’s easy to see that God blesses faithful missionaries who preach repentance through Jesus Christ.  What’s beyond me is how he knows when and to whom to provide the types of miracles that he did for the Lamanites at this time.  They certainly didn’t deserve it because of recent righteous behavior.  Yet, those fortunate three hundred who were there at the prison were, through God’s grace, given access to sacred and life changing experiences.  Certainly, thousands of faithful prayers had been uttered on their behalf down through time, starting with Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Enos, Mosiah, King Benjamin, and many others.  The arithmetic of grace is not something I can understand.  But I know that God knows what he is doing.  He loves us and will bless us in his own time and in his own way.  I love him!  I am grateful for him.  I am grateful for my loving wife and children. I love them!  I am grateful for my grandchildren.  I love them!  

Friday, November 16, 2012

Helaman 4 Now is the Time to Repent

The Nephites became weak because of their iniquities and unbelief.  They saw that if they didn’t repent they would be destroyed by their enemies.  If I don’t repent every day, Satan has power over me.  I become weak.  I don’t prosper.  I must eliminate hypocrisy from my life.  I must be honest with myself and not rationalize.  Then the Spirit can abide with me in great measure.  I will know the Lord’s will and I will do it.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Helaman 3 Wax Stronger

Mormon tells us that many people began moving and settling to the north.  They used cement to build since the timber was scarce.  They were careful to let the few trees grow up.  Helaman’s sons, Nephi and Lehi “…began to grow up unto the Lord.”  The Gadianton’s continued in secret.  The church prospered and there were thousands of converts.  “Thus we may see,” says Mormon, “that the Lord is merciful unto all who will, in the sincerity of their hearts, call upon his holy name. Yea, thus we see that the gate of heaven is open unto all, even to those who will believe on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God…they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Helaman 2 Gadianton

Helaman is elected to be chief judge.  Gadianton is elected to be chief robber.  Kishkumen is foiled in his attempt to assassinate Helaman by one of Helaman’s faithful servants who turns the tables and assassinates Kishkumen instead.  Gadianton skips town with his band of bad guys.  Mormon foreshadows the destruction of the Nephites, saying that in the coming record we will see how Gadianton’s influence has a profoundly destructive effect upon the people. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Helaman 1 Look to God and Live

I remember a little story from when I was a boy:  Once there was a father and a young son who were both very hungry.  They came upon an apple orchard that was surrounded by a high fence.  The signs on the fence warned people to “stay out.”  The father looked all around and finding no one guarding the fence said to his son, “Boy, come near and I will boost you up so that you can make it over the fence and get us some apples to eat.”  The obedient son placed is foot in his father’s hands and being lifted up was able to see a fine orchard of trees full of apples.  The father continued to look nervously around.  He looked to the right; he looked to the left.  Relieved, he told his son to jump down into the orchard.  However, the son, who saw his father looking to the right and to the left, was pricked in his conscience and said to his father, “But father, you forgot to look up.”

From this story, I learned that no matter if the coast seems clear, that I can’t hide my sins from the Lord.  He is always there.  He sees me.  He is not waiting there trying to catch me doing wrong. No, he wants me to do what is right.  He rejoices in my good choices and sorrows when I try to hide my sins.  “Wickedness never was happiness.”  When we try to hide from the Lord, the Spirit is grieved and we lose that vital contact that is so necessary as we navigate through our days.  Repentance is so necessary every day of our lives. We must have the Spirit to guide us.

As we start our journey through the book of Helaman we begin with a tragedy.  There is an election held and Pahoran is voted in as chief judge.  His brother Paanchi and his followers won’t accept the results and try to mount an insurrection.  Yet, the law prevails and Paanchi is brought to justice for trying to destroy the liberty of the people.  Tragically, his followers can’t abide the judgment of their candidate and create a secret plot to kill Pahoran.  “Secret combinations” are entered into.  The chief judge is murdered by Kishkumen and the Gadianton Robbers are born.  The object of secret combinations is to get gain, power, and control of the government through any means, including murder. 

Because of the attention being paid to these problems in the government, the Lamanites, led by Coriantumr, a Nephite dissenter came to battle against the Nephites and took control of the city of Zarahemla, the Nephite capital.  However, he was overzealous in his attempt to conquer the Nephites and was defeated by Moronihah, son of Moroni.  An interesting point is that the defeated Lamanite army is allowed to return to their homeland.  The Nephite leaders have no desire for power over the Lamanites; they don’t want to profit from war; they only seek for the peace and freedom of their loved ones. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Alma 63 Farewell Chief Captain Moroni

I give honor to the great chief captain, Moroni!  At the close of the book of Alma, Moroni, and Shiblon pass away and Corianton leaves on a ship.  Hagoth, an “exceedingly curious” man built ships and sailed into the “west sea.”  Many Polynesians claim Hagoth as their distant ancestor, the man responsible for bringing their branch of the House of Israel to the islands of the South Pacific.  Helaman, the son of Helaman takes charge of the sacred records.  Moronihah, son of Moroni, takes over the army.

Alma 62 A Shout Out To Veterans

We love Teancum because of his courage and his loyalty to the cause of freedom.  He kills Ammoron with a javelin the same way he killed Amalickiah, thus being the one responsible for taking out the two main kings of his enemies.  He, like so many of his fellow soldiers, lost his life in the service of his country.  May we be ever grateful for those valiant servicemen who have fought so bravely for our safety and freedom.  The great general, Helaman, survives as a soldier returning to his home and serving in the work of the Lord until his death.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Alma 61 Fear Not

When Jon didn’t get hired as a teacher for CES I was not just disappointed in the decision, I was ticked.  I felt robbed.  I felt helpless.  I wrote two letters: one to Jon’s supervisor and one to the man in Salt Lake who was part of the problem, as I saw it.  I stewed and fussed and then I stewed some more.  However, Jon’s reaction was completely different.  I’m sure he was disappointed, but he didn’t seem angry like me.  “I trust the process Dad,” he said.  “They got it right.”  His faith in the people he had worked with and in the decision process was amazing.  His faith in God was amazing.  His words softened my heart and I began to repent.  I saw the Lord’s hand in it.  I wrote letters of apology commending my colleagues for their “Pahoran-like” reaction to my letters.  They were great.  They understood my disappointment and prayed for Jon’s success.  As Jon has gone forward, it is easy to see that the path he is now on is better than the CES path.  His talents and interests are blossoming.

May we go forth united and full of faith that the Lord will direct our paths and save our nation.  May the Lord bless our president.  Let us do as Chief Judge Pahoran said, “…fear not, for God will deliver [us], yea, and also all those who stand fast in that liberty wherewith God hath made them free.”

Alma 60 Be Up and Doing

Moroni (without the use of cell phones) is not able to understand why Chief Judge Pahoran and the government are not sending supplies and soldiers to help sustain the Nephite armies.  Without proper information in hand, Moroni threatens to come to Zarahemla and take what he needs using military force.  He does give them an out:  if they will repent and join his force for liberty, then he will not come against them.  What is the truth about what our government is going to do going forth now that the election is complete? I will pray for our new president and the government.  But I want to know the truth.  I don’t want spin.  Give me the plan.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Alma 59 Setting Aside Doubt, Anger

With the loss of another city (Nephihah) to the Lamanites, Moroni has a rare moment of doubt.  He doubts his peoples’ faithfulness and he doubts his government’s leaders.  His chief captains also began to doubt.  Like Moroni, there is a lot for us to be concerned about, nevertheless, this is a time in our history where we must set aside our anger and doubt.  We must pray for (really, out loud, in church, and in our homes) for God to help our president and our government.  We must not murmur.  Let us be a voice of hope and faith. This does not mean that we compromise our principles.  Truth is truth.  But some truths are more important than others.  Let us find a better road.  Let us soften our hearts and walk in the shoes of others before we resort to sarcasm and cynicism. Think of Elder Oak’s advice about good, better, best.  Look beyond our own littleness of mind to a better way.  

Alma 58 We Do Not Desire to Murmur

Here are some inspired words from this chapter:

“Therefore we did pour out our souls in prayer to God, that he would strengthen us and deliver us out of the hands our enemies.”

“…the Lord our God did visit us with assurances that he would deliver us; yea, insomuch that he did speak peace to our souls, and did grant unto us great faith, and did cause us that we should hope for our deliverance in him.”

“…we did take courage…”

“…we do not desire to murmur.”

“…stand fast in that liberty wherewith God has made them free…”

“…remember the Lord their God from day to day…”

“…may the Lord our God, who has redeemed us and made us free, keep you continually in his presence…”  

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Alma 57 Their Minds Are Firm

Helaman continues to extol the virtues of the stripling warriors: “…they did obey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea and even according to their faith it was done unto them….”  None of them were killed in battle although all were injured, I assume some severely.  Helaman ascribes their preservation “to the miraculous power of God, because of their exceeding faith in that which they had been taught to believe—that there was a just God, and whosoever did not doubt, that they should be preserved by his marvelous power.  Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually.”   

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Alma 56 We Do Not Doubt Our Mothers Knew It

The stripling warriors!  Two thousand young men of great faith who had been taught by their mothers not to doubt, likewise, I was taught by my mother, Beverlee Bee Brown Stone, not to doubt that God lives and Jesus is our Saviour!  Mothers, it seems, have the ability to get to our hearts.  They teach us to believe.  With their tenderness they teach us to trust.  I love my dear mother.  I honor her.  I thank her for staying strong in the faith of Christ.  I honor her for enduring to the end through a severe health trial at the end of her days on Earth.   

Monday, November 5, 2012

Alma 55 Why Go to War?

Since Ammoron will not withdraw his forces, Moroni refuses to exchange prisoners.  Through strategy, Moroni is able to recapture the city of Gid.  Even with this defeat, Ammoron is not ready to withdraw.  Like a large in-grown hair, he continues to fester in a place that does not belong to him or his people.  Why do men go to war? Go home Ammoron.  

Alma 54 Ammoron the Moron

When Ammoron writes to Moroni requesting the exchange of prisoners, Moroni takes heart, hoping that Ammoron will also be willing to withdraw his forces into their own lands. Yet, Moroni’s language is sharp and forthright!  He calls Ammoron a “child of hell.”  He sets the conditions as follows: withdraw your soldiers from the cities they have captured and return all of your armies to your own country; return a father, mother, and their children in exchange for one Lamanite prisoner.  Ammoron will not be dictated to.  He brushes off Moroni’s demands and sends back a few of his own.  He accepts the conditions of the actual prisoner exchange but refuses to withdraw.  This is a classic good vs. evil showdown.  Moroni is a type of Christ, decrying hypocrisy and evil intensions, standing firm in the faith. He knows that Ammoron will not accept his conditions because they are righteous.  Ammoron is a type of Satan, denying his guilt, bragging about his power and influence, and refusing to accept righteous intensions or plans of fairness and good. A line is drawn in the sand.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Alma 53 True At All Times

Mormon described the young men who were the sons of the Anti-Nephi-Lehites as follows: “And they were all young men, and they were exceeding valiant for courage, and also for strength and activity; but behold, this was not all—they were men who were true at all times in whatsoever thing they were entrusted.  Yea, they were men of truth and soberness, for they had been taught to keep the commandments of God and to walk uprightly before him.  And now it came to pass that Helaman did march at the head of his two thousand stripling soldiers….” Since their parents had taken an oath not to take up arms, these young men rose up and took their place.  I am struck by the fact that they were, “true at all times.”  What a superb attribute to possess: always true to one’s conscience: never being hypocritical: keeping the commandments of God with all one’s heart because of a love of God.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some Other Way

The Nephites found themselves in “dangerous circumstances” as Ammoron took his brother, Amalickiah’s place and continued to harass the Nephites at every opportunity.  Moroni commanded Teancum to try to take the city of Mulek back by “stratagem or some other way.”  But when Teancum approached Mulek, he could see there was no way to penetrate the Lamanites fortifications (which, ironically, had been put in place by the Nephites).  With a brilliant strategy, the Nephite captains draw the Lamanite armies out of Mulek, surround them and defeat them.  Their ability to counsel together and work on a flexible plan has application in our lives.  As we face dangerous circumstances in our day we must council together and invite the Lord’s Spirit to direct our decisions. We must also be willing to adopt “plan B” when the difficulties we face are entrenched, long-term, unresponsive to quick fixes, or don’t fit a typical pattern.  “But if not” is another way of saying “plan B.”  When we want a certain answer to our prayers, we must also be willing to go another way if that is the Lord’s will.