Wednesday, July 30, 2008


The first line of "yarns" was true. I went Yellowstone with Mark and Dan. We did see two bears and one moose. We did see a buffalo walking down the center of the road leaving doo doo in two spots. We saw lots of elk including some new little ones near the road. We did see lots of tourist in shorts. We did see a bald eagle. We did catch a lot of fish, mostly little brookies between 4 and 8 inches. We did not see any wolves or pelicans or huge biting insects. It was wonderful to hang out with two of my brothers. They are both great examples. Dan is heading to South Africa for a CES mission in a couple of weeks. We are in awe of the Ross family stamina as they make their way east. Hats off to the Illinois Stones for finishing their first year in the heartland. Nick has about a year to go at BYU and Eric has 7 more months in Colombia. Emily will be in 8th grade and she was just called as Beehive president. I went golfing today and shot 3 over par with a birdie at the last hole. The church is still true.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yarns from Yellowstone

Last week I went to Yellowstone with Mark and Dan, two of my older brothers. We caught 500 fish altogether and saw 40 moose, 300 bald eagles, and 4 different packs of wolves. A buffalo, who was walking down the middle of the road stopped to talk to Mark, so, Mark rolled down his window and they discussed the chemical makeup of mountain grasses. We also stopped to examine the two pies deposited exactly on the yellow line about two and four miles from where we stopped to talk to the buffalo. They were definitely his. The elk herd was near 1000 with baby elk walking in a single line along the road so that the 32 buses could stop and admire. I counted 500 pairs of burmuda shorts and at least 150 men wearing black knee socks with their shorts. Yel-owl-stone is what the early explorers called the place because of a certain yelling noise by an owl species who made their nests among the stone formations. But somebody misheard and thought it was yellow-stone. We didn't see any owls but we did see a pelican with a 5 pound mosquito on its back. Old Faithful was spewing coins and the mudpots smelled like pizza. Your job is to find the one sentence in this yarn that is true.