Thursday, November 1, 2012

Some Other Way

The Nephites found themselves in “dangerous circumstances” as Ammoron took his brother, Amalickiah’s place and continued to harass the Nephites at every opportunity.  Moroni commanded Teancum to try to take the city of Mulek back by “stratagem or some other way.”  But when Teancum approached Mulek, he could see there was no way to penetrate the Lamanites fortifications (which, ironically, had been put in place by the Nephites).  With a brilliant strategy, the Nephite captains draw the Lamanite armies out of Mulek, surround them and defeat them.  Their ability to counsel together and work on a flexible plan has application in our lives.  As we face dangerous circumstances in our day we must council together and invite the Lord’s Spirit to direct our decisions. We must also be willing to adopt “plan B” when the difficulties we face are entrenched, long-term, unresponsive to quick fixes, or don’t fit a typical pattern.  “But if not” is another way of saying “plan B.”  When we want a certain answer to our prayers, we must also be willing to go another way if that is the Lord’s will.  

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