Thursday, May 2, 2013


This page was written by Moroni.  The first thing that came to my mind was the aluminum plates we made in seminary.  We would cut out a piece of card-stock about the size we thought the gold plates would be.  Then, on one side of the card-stock we would write our testimonies.  Then we would make up symbols to represent the words of our testimony.  Next, we would attach a sheet of aluminum foil to the other side of the card-stock and carefully engrave the foil with the symbols of our testimony.  It was fun to put ourselves in Moroni’s and Mormon’s shoes.  In this small way we felt a little of what they must of felt as they recorded sacred things. 

When one of my students, Eric Prather, was killed in a car crash, I was asked to speak at his funeral.  I had kept his aluminum plate with his testimony engraved.  I was able to share it with the congregation.  It was a very spiritual and sacred experience for me and them as Eric spoke his testimony “from the dust.” 

As I read Moroni’s title page for the Book of Mormon I was struck with the phrase, “Which is to show unto remnant of the House of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers.”  I feel the Lord has done so many great things for me and my children.  His blessings continue to be manifest every day of our lives here on Mother Earth.  I know, like Moroni, that JESUS is the CHRIST.

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