Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chapter 4

There is a law regarding exceptions to God’s laws.  The law of exceptions is this:  God will allow exceptions from time to time regarding his laws for the good of his children.  He is the only one who can grant an exception.  For Nephi, it was the killing of Laban. “Thou shalt not kill,” was going through Nephi’s mind when the Spirit said, “Behold the Lord slayeth the wicked to bring forth his righteous purposes.”  Jean and I received an exception when we decided to be married in a civil rather than temple ceremony.  For a wise purpose, known to Him, he whispered to our hearts a reassurance that he was not opposed to our decision.  We also sought for and gained approval from our parents, bishop, and stake president.  Two months later, we were sealed in the temple.  It was on the anniversary of Jean’s baptism.  You may find that a situation will arise in your life where you need to petition the Lord for an exception.  Don’t proceed without his approval.  The Spirit will whisper when the coast is clear.

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