Friday, May 24, 2013

Chapter 3

Nephi:  “I will go and do.”  Laman: “murmur.”  On balance, I hope that in my life I do more doing than I do complaining.  Maybe murmuring comes from being afraid.  Fear causes me to avoid doing something.  When I get through my fears and go and do, I find that the thing I was afraid of wasn’t so bad, in fact I usually enjoy myself.  An example is two weeks ago our high priest group leader asked for volunteers to work at the welfare garden behind the Lindon Cannery.  I didn’t raise my hand.  I was afraid it would be all day.  I could picture myself on my knees weeding.  But, I started listening to the voice of faith and asked if I could be included in the work crew.  I went on a Saturday morning early.  It was raining.  When I got there and looked at the muddy field I almost turned around and left.  But, I got out of the car and discovered they needed someone to bring plants from the warehouse to the field.  I went and got involved with that.  Then they needed someone to dig small holes for the plants to go in.  At the end of an hour we had planted 1600 cabbage plants!  Yes, we were muddy, but a crew of about 20 men was also happy and bound together in the spirit of work.  Go and do!

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