Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ether 9 Elephants, Cureloms, Cumoms, OH MY!

War after war reduces the population to 30 souls!  The Lord will not proper the people in wickedness.  Nevertheless, there was a very righteous king. His name was Emer.  He was privileged to see the Savior when he was an old man.  Moroni calls Jesus, who visited Emer, the “Son of Righteousness.”  I like that title.  Another interesting fact shared in this chapter is the list of animals:  cattle, oxen, cows, sheep, swine, goats, horses, asses, elephants, cureloms and cumoms.  We don’t know what cureloms or cumoms were but they are included with the working beasts rather than the ones used for food.  Another interesting thing the Lord did to cause the people to humble themselves was to send poisonous serpents among them. Many were bitten and perished.  He also sent a drought.  Finally, the people began to humble themselves.

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