Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chapter 4 Willing to Take His Name

I am grateful to Moroni for taking the time to record the sacrament prayers.  I especially have come to love the blessing on the bread.  Jesus Christ has adopted me and taken me under his wing as a son.  Because I am his son through baptism, I have taken upon myself a new name, a covenant name.  The name is Jesus Christ.  When I partake of the bread I renew my baptismal covenant meaning that I take his name upon me anew and covenant to keep his commandments.  I worship him, adore him, and think of his great atoning sacrifice in my behalf and in behalf of my family.  I praise his name and take that name into my heart with gratitude and love.  Because my dear parents David and Bee Stone were faithful to their baptismal covenants, they too have this special, holy name.  They were married and sealed for all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple.  I was born in the covenant they made as faithful children of Christ and because of their faith I received the blessings of being born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  The blessings of faithful parents have been passed to me and Jean and I and we have passed this to our children and grandchildren.  This is pleasing to our parents, to our adoptive father, Jesus, and to our Heavenly Father, who is the father of our spirits.

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