Friday, October 19, 2012

Alma 45 Believest Thou in Jesus Christ?

Alma’s parting words to his son Helaman are put in the form of two questions: “Believest thou in Jesus Christ, who shall come? And, “Will ye keep my commandments?”  When Helaman answered “yes” to both questions, the old patriarch, Alma, must have smiled and even winked at his son who had heard this promise so many times: “Blessed art thou; and the Lord shall prosper thee in this land!” Even so, the warmth of this exchange with his son was tinged with sadness, for Alma also prophesied of the Nephites extinction at a time four hundred years following the Savior’s visit to America. After leaving a priesthood blessing upon the church members (and I’m sure upon his family members), Alma simply departs, never to be heard from again.  Mormon tells us that Alma was “…buried by the hand of the Lord, even as Moses.”  What do translated beings do?  I don’t know.  Enoch, Moses, Alma, John, the Three Nephites.  They continue to minister to this Earth.  They preach the gospel to the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  They restore keys.

For my children, “Do you believe in Jesus Christ; will you keep his commandments?” If so, the Lord will bless you with joy and rejoicing all of your days.

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