Chief Captain Moroni!
Twenty-five years old and appointed to lead the whole Nephite army, what
a valiant and powerful man he was. His
cause: his people’s homes, liberties, wives, children, and their rites of
worship and their church. He and his
soldiers were inspired by a better cause.
Yet, in the heat of battle, with the fierceness and anger of the
Lamanites confronting them, there was a moment when “they were about to shrink
and flee from them. And Moroni, perceiving their intent, sent forth and inspired
their hearts with these thoughts—yea, the thoughts of their lands, their
liberty, yea their freedom from bondage.”
The Nephite armies took courage crying with one voice to their God. “…they began to stand against the Lamanites
with power.”
Today, we have President Thomas S. Monson to lead us in that
same cause. We are in a battle against
the forces of evil. Let us stand with
courage. Let us unite our prayers,
especially when we feel our spirits shrinking because of fear. Face the future with optimism. Work through trials with patience.
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