Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alma 40 All of Us Will Be Taken Home To God

Corianton has come home from his mission to meet with his father.  Having disqualified himself from the ministry due to his misconduct, we would suppose that he would have at least a couple of questions: (1) How will my father (and mother) react to my breaking the commandments and mission rules?; and (2) Is there any possible way that I can be forgiven and return to the mission field?  However, Alma discerns that Corianton has even more basic questions that are troubling him: First, he notes that his son doesn’t understand why knowing about the coming of Christ is important.  Second, he sees that Corianton is worried about the resurrection of the dead and also what happens between the time one dies and the time one is resurrected.

Evidently, Corianton couldn’t see why it was necessary to know 73 years ahead of time that Christ was coming.  Alma tells his son that the message of salvation, and Christ taking away the sins of the world was the reason he was called on a mission in the first place, the message being as important now as it would be when the Savior would come to Earth.  (Alma 39:14-19)  One can picture a loving father explaining the need for his son to apply the atoning sacrifice of the Savior in his own life.

Next, Alma explains to his son about the Spirit World: the place the spirits of the dead live until the time of the resurrection.  He explains that the spirits of the righteous are “received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow.”   Alma goes on to explain to his son the wicked go to what we call today “spirit prison,” where they are in a “state of misery,” until they can take the necessary steps of repentance.

 Especially important in this explanation is Alma’s stunning revelation that, “…it has been made known unto me by an angel, that the spirits of all men, as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men, whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life.”  Everyone who lives on this planet, from the Creation to the Second Coming, will have the opportunity to see God again.  This is according the Atonement of Christ.  A free gift he gives us all.  Yet, it will be great for the righteous and terrible for the wicked.

The heart of the matter is this:  Did Jesus rise from the dead?  If he did, and I add my testimony that he did rise as the scriptures testify, then he lives today and everything he said is true.  He forgave Corianton, and does forgive me and you, and remembers our sins no more when we repent.


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