Tuesday, February 26, 2013

3 Nephi 30 Repent and Come Unto Christ

The Lord calls all of us to repent and come unto him.  In the Book of Mormon, “Gentiles” is the term used for those who are not descendents of Lehi.  So everyone who has come to the Americas who didn’t come on Lehi’s ship is considered a Gentile and the United States is considered a “Gentile Nation.”  However, because of the light that has been given us with the restoration of the gospel through the prophet, Joseph Smith, we know that many of members of the “Lost Tribes of Israel” have come to America.  Joseph Smith himself was a descendant of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by his brothers.  The members of our family are from this same Joseph, direct descendants of Ephraim, Joseph’s son.  But as members of a “gentile” nation, the words of the Savior are directed to my family.  “Hearken, O ye Gentiles, and hear the words of Jesus Christ…Turn, all ye Gentiles, from your wick ways; and repent of your evil doings…and come unto me, and be baptized in my name, that ye may receive a remission of your sins, and be filled with the Holy Ghost.”


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