Friday, June 29, 2012

Mosiah 22 Make Effective Escape Plans, Then Act

Gideon steps forward with a plan: get the Lamanite guards drunk.  It works and they are able to escape. How do we plan our own escapes?  If we are held captive by a bad habit, it is unlikely that we will change by sheer will power.  Like Gideon we need a plan, an inspired plan.  Then we need to make our plan public and ask for input and help from wise friends, family, or advisors.  We must decide, deep within ourselves that failure to execute the plan is unacceptable.  We must be determined and realistic.  In the event of setbacks we must not flip and flop like a fish in a net, knocking ourselves out.  We must hold still and go to God for help. If we are thrashing about in our minds and feelings, we won’t hear the Still Small Voice.  When we hear him whisper, we must act.

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