Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mosiah 15 Beautiful Feet

When Noah’s priests begin questioning Abinadi (see chapter 12:20-24) they thought they would stump him by asking what Isaiah meant by “beautiful feet” on the mountain. As they saw it, everyone knows that feet are anything but beautiful. They are dusty, dirty, and stinky. Abinadi knows better. He pounds them with the full meaning of “beautiful feet.” He explains that all of the holy prophets who have prophesied concerning Christ, all those who believe their words, and even Jesus Christ himself have beautiful feet. In poetic language the feet represent the actions of the righteous. Their message of peace comes from Christ who is the Prince of Peace. Isaiah taught that Christ had no apparent beauty that would have attracted followers. Feet are a less comely part of our bodies, yet, when we speak and act in righteousness, our feet our beautiful. The “mountains” spoken of by Isaiah represent the nations of the world. We are to take the words of Christ to the nations.

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