Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Enos Remembers his dad

When studying the book of Enos, I usually focus on his ”wrestle” in obtaining a testimony of the Lord’s Atonement, and on his very long prayer. However, this time, I noticed the first verse. “Behold, it came to pass that I, Enos, knowing my father that he was a just man—for he taught me in his language, and also in the nurture and admonition of the Lord—and blessed be the name of my God for it—“. My father, David Ray Stone Jr., was likewise a “just man.” He taught me in his unique way, using patience, long suffering, meekness, and love. He was the perfect dad for me. Notice that Enos thanks God for his dad. Implied in the word “just” is Enos’ high praise for his father, Jacob, as well.
Today I would like to thank my dad, David R. Stone, for his goodness, his humility, and his perfect blend of intervention and restraint in parenting me. He loved me, no doubt about it. He took me fishing, or more accurately, he went fishing and took me along. The focus was not on me. The focus was on us being together doing something he hoped would be as enjoyable for me as it was for him. He did not fuss for one minute teaching me proper technique or pointing out how to do it. He just went fishing and eventually I caught on as I watched and tried to copy his method. Eventually, I developed techniques of my own, which worked better for me. I picked up fly fishing, as did my brother Dan, something that dad never bothered with. He assigned one of my brothers, Mark, to take care of my tangles (which were many). In a way, Mark was like the Savior who is there to take care of our tangles in life.

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