Friday, February 15, 2008

Ruth and Boaz

So, Ruth's mother-in-law had Ruth go and lay by Boaz's feet on their first date. Boaz is so classy that when he wakes he doesn't freak, he just say, who dat? Ruth's request was for his mercy and grace to cover her. Here were two virtuous and upright people going through a ritual: Boaz, acting as goel, or redeemer, covers her with his skirt (blanket). He reassures her all is well: he will be her protector and bridegroom. They marry and become a covenant couple. Ruth is the convert to the church; Boaz the life-time member. They have a son, Obed, who has a son, Jesse, who has a son, David....who has a daughter, Mary, and a son, Joseph, who have a Son, Jesus. Boaz typifies our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Ruth typifies our adoption into the family of Christ, our conversion, rebirth, and covenant relationship with him. Christ has us covered. He loves us.


jonstone said...

ooh. loving this. Michelle's one-a-day pres. Hinckley readings has me thinking.. how about one a weeks from daddy-walt?

Michelle said...

This is Brandon...

I remember you teaching this in my Old Testament class. You left out the part about "Who Dat?"

For your next post: "We all have our buts (and butts)."