Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Enos was Jacob’s son and grandson of Lehi.  He had a desire to repent.  He went into the mountains to hunt and in the process prayed all day and all night, periodically kneeing and pleading, walking and crying to the Lord, and kneeling again in solemn humility, until in the morning came the voice of the Lord forgiving him of his sin, sweeping his guilt away. He described this process as a “wrestle.”  Enos rejoiced and wondered out loud how it was done.  They Lord told him it was because of his faith in the Atonement of Christ.  Enos then prayed for his family, the Nephites, and for his family, the Lamanites who had apostatized.  Once we obtain blessings (in this case forgiveness of sins) for ourselves we naturally and appropriately ask for those same blessings for others.

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