Entering the mission home in Salt Lake City, Utah in
September of 1973, was exciting and terrifying.
My parents dropped me off for what would be a three day experience. Saying good bye was difficult. We were given
our missionary discussions in a small black 3 ring binder. And some of us were asked to go get a haircut
after the first assembly was over. I was
soon introduced to the other missionaries who were going to the Navajo mission
with me. I could not imagine how I could
learn such a strange language.
I remember we met in a large room. I would say about 200 chairs were set up. The
mission home president stood to welcome us and give us our first
assignment. He had us open our
missionary discussions. He showed us how
there were seven discussions and each discussion was divided into
concepts. He told us that each of us was
to memorize one of these concepts before we went to bed and prepare ourselves
to “pass it off” in front of all the other missionaries the following day at
our second big assembly.
The terror of passing off a discussion in front of all the
other missionaries sunk deep into my chest.
Not only was I terrified; now I was petrified. That evening I scanned through the various
concepts, unable to settle on one to read through, let alone to try to
memorize. I went to bed without being
able to memorize a single word. I
wondered what they would do to elders who couldn’t do their very first
assignment in the mission field. Do they
chastise you in front of everyone? Do
they send you to the corner of shame and make you wear a “dork dot” on your
lapel? Even if there wasn’t any special
punishment, the embarrassment alone would be hard to overcome.
I couldn’t sleep. I
wrestled with the Lord in desperate prayer through the night. At four in the morning I went down to the
men’s restroom with my discussion book in hand and sat on the cool blue tiles
with my back against the wall. I begged
the Lord for help as I scanned the pages.
Finally, I came to the discussion about my relationship to
Christ. I saw a heading that caught my
eye. It read something like this: After
Christ was resurrected he came to America and visited with the Nephites. He taught them his doctrine, ordained
disciples, and set up his church, just as he had done in Jerusalem. I was directed to read 3Nephi chapter 11
which I did. While I was reading, the
Spirit of the Lord testified to my soul of the truthfulness of this event.
Never before had any scripture impacted me like this. I was reborn in that moment. My testimony was anchored forever.
I had no problem memorizing the concept, although it wasn’t
word perfect. But my soul was comforted
and I knew the Lord loved me and would allow me to tell the Navajo people many
times that the Lord had come to their ancestors here in America. And I did!
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