Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mormon 8

Here is a wonderful verse about Joseph Smith and the coming forth of the Book of Mormon recorded by Moroni who took over the record keeping after his father, Mormon’s death:  “And blessed is he that shall bring this thing to light; for it shall be brought out of darkness unto light; according to the word of God; yea, it shall be brought out of the earth, and it shall shine forth out of darkness, and come unto the knowledge of the people; and it shall be done by the power of God.”
“Behold, the Lord hath shown unto me great and marvelous things concerning that which must shortly come, at that day when these things shall come forth among you. Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not.  Behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing.”
Moroni saw that we would struggle with pride. “Doubt not, but be believing,…and come unto the Lord with all your heart…strip yourselves of all uncleanness…ask with a firmness unshaken, that ye will yield to no temptation, but that ye will serve the true and living God.”

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