Friday, October 18, 2013

Chapter 2

Jacob calls his sons and his grandsons to repentance for two flagrant sins.  First is pride.  Second is sexual sin.  I would pass this call to repentance on to my sons and grandsons.  Avoid pride.  One form of pride is enmity or hate.  We are all guilty of it.  We should avoid anger and control our tempers.  More importantly, we must keep ourselves sexually pure.  Avoid watching other people have sex either in the movies or the videos we look at on the internet.  Avoid looking at, fantasizing about, or engaging in any sexual behavior that is disloyal to your sisters, mother, wives, and children.  Sex belongs to marriage between husbands and wives only.  If you have made mistakes, take the walk to the bishop’s office if needed.  Go before the Lord in humility and with a broken heart.  He will heal you and your relationships.  

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