Friday, March 15, 2013

Ether 1 The Brother of Jared

Moroni has abridged the writings of the ancient prophet Ether.  The record dates back, at its beginning, to the tower of Babel.  Therefore, this book is, chronologically, the first book of the Book of Mormon.  When I took seminary in 1968 at the junior high in Logan, this was the book we covered first.  My seminary class was my first class of the day.  Alvin Harris was my teacher.  He was a crazy old bird who told stories about being rescued from beer trucks that were always trying to kill him when he was in his car.  He was serious, but we thought he was nuts.  Anyway, Ether introduces his account with the story of Jared and his brother, “the brother of Jared.”  We don’t ever know his name based on the record but Joseph Smith revealed his true name as Mohonri Moriancumer.  This name was revealed to the prophet when he was asked to give a name and a blessing to a child of one of his neighbors in Nauvoo.  You can imagine their surprise.  The brother of Jared was asked by his brother, Jared, to pray for the family.  He hoped the Lord would not confuse their language.  Remember, this is Tower of Babel times.  The brother of Jared had hoped to keep the family and a few close friends together.  So, the Brother of Jared did pray and the Lord heard his prayer.  The Lord commanded him to gather the families together and go north taking their possessions and animals.  They were to be led to a promised land, a choice land “above all the lands of the earth.”

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