Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alma 12 The Importance of the Fall of Adam

The doctrine of the Fall is crucial.  If we understand it, then we realize the absolute necessity of Christ and the Atonement.  Here is a little story that might help one seeking to understand the Fall:

Wally wanted to be a bachelor forever; at least that’s what he thought in junior high and most of high school.  He formed a club called the “Bachelor’s Club.”  He and his friends in the club vowed to never date or do anything to encourage romantic relationships with girls.  But one day, Wally met Jeanni.  He was smitten.  It was love at first sight.  He started smiling at her when they passed in the hall and the lunch room.  Secretly, he called Jeanni and asked her to go on a date.  They went and had a burger together and dragged main street.  However, as they were driving along enjoying a song on the radio together, some of Wally’s club buddies drove up along-side Wally’s car.  They began mocking him and calling him a traitor.  Wally was not ashamed, however, and was happy that he and Jeanni had started dating.

Having transgressed the rules of the club, Wally was cast out.  He and Jeanni went on to date, court, and eventually marry.  Had they sinned?  Surely not. But Wally could not remain in the club because he had transgressed the club’s laws.  But he was much happier than he had been in the previous situation without Jeanni in his life.

This was the case for Adam and Eve.  They could stay in the Garden and live a childlike existence.  In essence, the Lord had said to them that they could live that way as long as they wanted.  But if they wanted to progress and become like their Lord, they would have to leave the Garden.  So, Eve realized that she must transgress the law and partake of the forbidden fruit.  Adam did likewise.  Eve should be praised for her wisdom.

However, now that they could comprehend good from evil and were subject to physical and spiritual death they soon realized their complete dependence on the Lord.  Without his Atonement they would be lost forever.  We too have fallen.  We have sinned and thus we are cut off from God’s presence.  We are also subject to physical death.  Without Christ’s Atonement we are completely lost.  When we humble ourselves and subject ourselves to his will, repenting daily of our sins, then we are covered by his grace.  The Holy Ghost is given to us to constantly provide spiritual companionship.  As we cultivate His promptings, we are led to do good and to seek that which is virtuous, lovely, of good report, and praiseworthy.

After being cast out of the Garden, Alma teaches the people that the Lord first taught them the “plan of redemption.”  “Therefore God gave unto them commandments, after having made known unto them the plan of redemption…”  This is a great application for us in our parenting:  Before we lay down all the laws and rules, teach our children why we have those rules.  Teach them the Great Plan of Happiness.

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