Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Alma 11 True Doctrine Changes Behavior

Zeezrom was a lawyer.  He tried to get Amulek to trip over his words.  Of course, Amulek doesn’t trip, but instead, confounds Zeezrom.  In the course of his responses to Zeezrom’s questions, Amulek articulates the doctrine of the resurrection.  All of God’s sons and daughters will be resurrected.  When my little brother, Sam, is resurrected, he will arise as a child.  His resurrected body will then grow until his full stature is reached as a man.  This gives my parents the joy of raising him up from childhood to manhood.  We will be resurrected at the age we died and either grow up to manhood or womanhood or else we will grow back until the appearance of old age disappears.  Evidently, this will take place rather quickly.  Needless to say the resurrection will be pretty cool.  Amulek’s point to Zeezrom is that we will all be judged according to the deeds in the flesh and no unclean person will return to God’s presence in eternity until they have completely repented and been cleansed from all sin. This doctrine made Zeezrom tremble.  It is this same doctrine that Alma will preach to his erring son, Corianton, waking him up spiritually and setting him on a righteous course for the rest of his life.

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