Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So you think you can teach seminary?

Most of you know how much I wanted to help out my Mom and Dad when they were so ill. We asked for a transfer and ended up at Orem Institute. We were shocked but felt good about the assignment. It meant I wouldn't be giving care to my parents, but at least we could make monthly visits. First Dad died of old age. Then Mom followed, two years later. With them gone, I have become the patriarch of my family here on Earth. What a lousy way to obtain a stewardship. I have missed them terribly and I have wanted to council with them so many times. Now, I must count on God as my Counselor. Maybe that's why Christ is called by that name by Isaiah. The same thing happened to him: lost his parents. Yet, my beloved children have become so wise. They don't need a lot of direction from me. Just a word here and there. Jean is so grounded and secure in her testimony of Christ, I never worry about her spiritually. Physically, she is pioneer stock. But she has a gene or two she could do without. Breast cancer runs deep in her family. Most recently, her mother and sister. We pray she got her dad's genes there. But he suffered Alzheimer's disease. Bad gene number two. Her mom's side doesn't have that problem. The reason I titled this post "seminary..." is because I made a leap of faith to teach at this level. And we finish the school year on Friday. It was an amazing experience. Harder than heck. But self-fulfilling. Right now I'm ready to retire. I'm tired. But I made it through one more year. Maybe I have 6 or more in me. More and more I become dependent on the Counselor. He must love me. Lord, help my unbelief. I am so prone to wander. I love my dear family. Please be patient with my less than polished patriarchal ponderings: pitiful.


jonstone said...

Far from pitiful!--but a little stargazing is allowed.

Your council is quiet; your example is implicit, and our foundation is full of stones forged by your faith.

6 more years? If I can do it, so can you!

Then the real adventures begin.

Unknown said...

Only 6 more years I think at least another 20 for sure. I just wanted to thank you for your little advice you have given me through the years and to let you know that many of us UW institute grads come to this blog for a dose of Brother Stone and your amazing insight.

Simply Bliss Photography said...
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Maria said...

I found myself crying today wishing for some counsel (or at least a hug) from Grandma. What a wonderful woman. Maybe I'll be spending a little more time on my knees these days, too...Love you!

Naomi said...

If only we all had fathers like you. I think the world we be a much, much better place. You are a King among men, or at least a high ranking prince, I know you're too humble to be a king. You have left a great impression on so many people, helped influence change in many as well. Maybe there are more that need you? I know that me, my *plan B* and what turned out to be my 7 kids needed you. Thank you.
and Fear not,little flock.