Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ether 10 It's All in a Name

Mahonri Moriancumr (the brother of Jared), Jacom, Gilgah, Mahah, Orihah, Shule, Heth, Akish, Emer, Nimrah, Coriantum, Coriantor, Com, Shez, Riplakish, Morianton, Kim, Kish, Lib, Hearthom, Shiblom, Ethem, Ether, Moron, Shared, Ahah and Shiz are all names found in the Book of Ether.  When the Book of Mormon was published, few if any of these names had ever appeared in any known literature.  Since 1830, to my knowledge, all of these names have been found in writings dating to 2000 B.C.  The Book of Mormon is full of antiquity.  It’s very old and very true!  Hurray for “Deseret!”

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