Friday, January 18, 2013

3 Nephi 11 (part 2) They All Went Forth

Twenty-five hundred people had gathered at the temple in Bountiful after the three days of darkness and the great destruction had taken place.  They had heard from out of the darkness the Lord speaking to them words of sorrow because of the rebellion and sins of the people.  Yet, the more righteous of the people had been spared destruction.  Now the darkness was gone.  The people at the temple were conversing about what had happened and the miracles that had taken place.  They knew that the sign that Samuel the Lamanite had told them would happen at the death of the Savior, had been given.  Suddenly, they heard a very quiet voice coming out of heaven.  It was not harsh or loud, but it pierced them deeply.  In like manner, the voice was heard again, but was still not understood.  Finally, the voice was heard a third time, and this time it was understood:  “Behold my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, in whom I have glorified my name—hear ye him.”  As they looked up they saw a man descending out of heaven wearing a white robe.  They thought it was an angel.  But then he spoke: 
“Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.”

As proof of his Atonement, Jesus had all of the people come forward, one at a time, and feel the prints of the nails in his hands and in his feet.  When this was completed, (it would have taken over three hours) the people were overjoyed!  “Hosanna!” they shouted, “Blessed be the name of the Most High God!  And they did fall down at the feet of Jesus, and worship him.”

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