Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alma 27 Come Unto Me

I had forgotten that the People of Ammon (Anti-Nephi-Lehites) had a second episode of being slain by the Lamanites.  They were attacked again by the Lamanites and refused to take up arms.  Ammon asks the Lord what to do and the Lord tells him to get the People of Ammon out of the land and back to Zarahemla.  The Nephites give these refugees a place to live and thrive: Jershon.  They agree to give them protection from the Lamanites.  Among this group would have been King Lamoni and his wife and family, Lamoni’s brother, king over all the people, and all who had been converted unto the Lord!  Come unto me all ye who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matt 11:28)

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