Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Alma 18 True Doctrines Change Lives

King Lamoni has heard of the amazing feats performed by Ammon in defending his flocks.  He is astonished and wonders if Ammon is the Great Spirit.  When Ammon and the king come back together, Ammon asks the king, “what desirest thou?”  The king doesn’t answer, in fact, he stays quiet for an hour.  Finally, Ammon discerns his thoughts, and asks him if he wants to know how he was able to save his flocks?  The king is amazed again because he reads his thoughts and asks Ammon if he is the Great Spirit. Ammon commits the king to listen to his words and the king accepts.  Ammon begins the discussion with the Creation, the Fall, and then the Atonement, opening the scriptures to the king and unfolding the Plan of Redemption.  The king believed all of his words.

King Lamoni never falls away.  Because of his conversion, his wife and family join the church.  Many of his people follow him into the waters of baptism.  They will be forced to leave their homes and travel down out of the mountains to Zarahemla.  They will live the rest of their lives in righteousness as part of the people who reject their Lamanite name and adopt the name Anti-Nephi-Lehi.

The basic doctrines of the gospel are true and powerful!  I have also been converted, strengthened, and blessed by the true word of God.      

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