Monday, May 19, 2014

Moroni 7

Moroni records the words of his father, Mormon, in this beloved chapter most often quoted for the doctrine of charity; therein, I found an intriguing question:  “And now, my brethren, how is it possible that ye can lay hold upon every good thing?”  Mormon repeats the words, “every good thing” four times.  He answers his own question, “If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me…Repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and be baptized in my name and have faith in me, that ye may be saved.” It is fun to ponder what “every good thing” means to me.  Every good thing means my wife and family, my grandparents, my parents, my grandchildren.  Every good thing means a Christ-centered life.  Every good thing means a comfortable home and food to eat.  Every good thing means friends and friendship.

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