Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Alma 30

Korihor was taught by Satan what he should say to entice the people to do evil:
1.  You cannot know something is true unless you see it.  Therefore, you cannot know that there will be a Christ.
2.  There is no such thing as sin.  There is no universal standard of what is right or wrong.
3.  People prosper by their own efforts alone.  There is no such thing as an atonement.
4.  It is impossible to know about things that will happen in the future, so you should not believe in Christ or follow the words of people who say they are prophets.
5.  Forgiveness of sin is a crazy idea that comes from false traditions.
6.  There is no life after death, so there is no need to worry about a judgment after this life.
In the end, Korihor admitted that he had taught things that were pleasing to the carnal mind.  He admitted that he knew what he was teaching was false. 
Alma preached that all things testify that there is a God.  I know, like Alma that God lives.  We are led by his prophets today.  The Atonement of Christ is real.  Forgiveness of sin is possible through repentance.  The Book of Mormon is true.

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