King Noah
sentences Abinadi to death for saying that God himself would come down to earth,
live and die for the people. Abinadi’s
response was that he would not recant his words and for them to carry out the
sentence but know that if they did they would be guilty of murder and that they
would be punished by God and suffer death in a similar way. Later, King Noah would die the same way, that
is, being put to death by fire, fulfilling Abinadi’s prophesies.
As we begin
a new year, we must consider that wickedness never was happiness. There is never any joy in sin. Brief pleasure only blurs the reality of the
misery that comes from disobedience to God’s laws. God’s plan of happiness requires us to stop
rationalizing our sins and humbly submitting ourselves to God, for his yoke is
easy and his burden is light compared to the awful pain and suffering that
comes from sin. We can make sacred
resolves and ask God to give us the strength to keep our promises. He won’t fail us. Trust Jesus.
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