Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Chapter 3

This is the “Joseph” chapter.  Lehi talks to his youngest son, Joseph, who was born in the wilderness between Jerusalem and Bountiful.  He is “little” so Lehi tells him to follow the way of Nephi, his older brother.  He tells Joseph that he is named for Joseph, son of Israel, who was sold into Egypt.  He quotes Joseph, son of Israel, who prophesied that another Joseph would be born in the latter-days whose father would also be named Joseph.  This latter-day prophet would be a “choice seer.”  He would bring forth the Book of Mormon and do much to restore the House of Israel bringing them out of darkness.  These prophesies of Lehi and Joseph, son of Israel, are being fulfilled in our day.  The magnificent prophet, Joseph Smith, wrote the very words that Lehi spoke about him.  How excited he must have been to read about himself.  I think he would have received these words with great humility.  Likening these scriptures to ourselves would be to look at our own family histories and honor our ancestors by knowing their stories and doing their temple work.  We would also look forward to our own children and grandchildren doing the Lord’s will and keeping his commandments, thus bring the blessings of heaven upon themselves for ever.

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