Tuesday, February 12, 2013

3 Nephi 19 Sacred Things of the Heart

The evening was late and finally it was time for Christ to ascend to his father.  That night, the word was spread throughout the land as far as people could go.  They told everyone that Jesus had been with them and that he was coming again tomorrow.  The next morning, a great multitude gathered and the Twelve whom Jesus had chosen divided up and each one taught a group what they had learned so far.  Then Jesus appeared and angels came too.  The people pray to Jesus and Jesus in turn prays to The Father.  Some of his prayers are recorded by Nephi, who was evidently within hearing distance.  But Nephi also says that the words of a certain prayer given by Jesus were so sacred in content that only the people there were able to hear and discern the meaning in their hearts.  Nephi could not write the words for us.  Mary kept sacred things in her heart too.  We all have sacred things too private and too personal to share with the world so we keep all these things and treasure them in our hearts.

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