Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Jean and I have thought our last names combine into a rather romantic sounding pen name. So, when Michelle said she'd set me up with a blog, I decided to use it. The words on this blog will be my own unless I credit Jean. It's just a start. A place to say a few things as they come. I want to find my voice and share a few thoughts from time to time. Don't take what I write too seriously. Most of my thinking is incoherent. Writing it down is like trying to get Seth, Maryn, Jonas, Zane, and Annie to agree on who should be president. So just roll with it and don't hold me to some high standard of grammar.

First thought: I love my family.


Michelle said...

We'll love whatever you write, grammatically correct or not. :)I think this is such a good idea you had. we all need a little whitestone wisdom in our lives.

jonstone said...

Yay! So excited.

Maria said...

I love your family too...happy to have stumbled here! Hopefully, your thoughts aren't too deep for me to ponder.