Wednesday, December 19, 2012

3 Nephi 4 Their Hearts Were Swollen With Joy

As the chapter heading says: “praise the Lord for [our] victories.”   With the Gadianton Robbers defeated, things are looking up.  The people “…rejoice and cry again with one voice, saying: May…God…protect this people in righteousness, so long as they shall call on the name of their God for protection.  They broke into song, “praising God for the great thing[s] which he had done for them….Yea, they did cry:  Hosanna to the Most High God….And their hearts were swollen with joy, unto the gushing out of many tears, because of the great goodness of God in delivering them…and they knew it was because of their repentance and their humility that they had been delivered….

Monday, December 17, 2012

3 Nephi 3 Put Up Their Prayers Unto the Lord

The few righteous Nephites and Lamanites combined together and pooled their resources.  They banned together in their faith as well. “And they did fortify themselves against their enemies; and they did dwell in one land, and in one body, and they did repent of all their sins; and they did put up their prayers unto the Lord their God, that he would deliver them in the time that their enemies should come down against them to battle.”  As a family, we are not able to unite together in physical proximity, but we can knit our hearts together, pray for each other, counsel together in wisdom and in peace.

3 Nephi 2 Began to Forget

The people began to forget…”  This is a haunting phrase that tells the sad tale of the Nephite and Lamanite families who had forgotten the signs and warnings given by their prophets.  Please, Lord, please don’t let me forget.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

3 Nephi 1 A New Star: Christ is Born

The five years have passed and Jesus will be born in the morning.  But the believers are getting persecuted and Nephi begs the Lord in prayer for help.  His words are miraculous in their content and logistics: for Jesus’ the babe is yet to be born, but his words are being given to Nephi thousands of miles away in America by the Holy Ghost.  “Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfill all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouths of my holy prophets.”

Then, as prophesied by Samuel, there was a day and a night and a day with no darkness.

A new star appeared in the heavens.
Dear Family,

I believe in the Star.  I believe in the shepherds.  I believe in the wise men.  I believe in The Babe Born of Mary in Bethlehem.  Let us increase our faith.  Let us be of good cheer!  Fear not! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Helaman 16 Christ is Coming

Samuel preaches from the wall and the Nephite arrows and stones cannot hit him, even from point blank range.  Three groups emerge: the first group are those converted by his preaching; the second group are those who didn’t believe at first but were converted when they saw that they couldn’t harm him; the third group are those who despite the truth of Samuel’s message, and despite the fact that he can’t be harmed, they harden their hearts and remain non-believers.

As the signs of Christ’s second coming are beginning to be fulfilled I hope I can be one to believe from start to finish.  I want to be counted among the believers.  I want to be excited for Christ’s coming.  I want to prepare myself and my family. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Helaman 15 Children of Lehi Arise in These Days

Samuel the Lamanite prophet tells of the latter times—our day—when the Children of Lehi who dwell in this land, will believe in the Redeemer!  The Children of Lehi, “Lamanites” no more, the curse of rebellion gone, rise up and believe. 

Samuel is the name of my little brother who someday I will have the privilege of standing beside.  Perhaps we will go among our brothers, the Children of Lehi, and preach the Gospel of Christ.  Had he remained here in mortality, he would be fifty-six years old. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Helaman 14 Christ Will Be Born in Five Years

Jesus is coming in 5 years!  That is what Samuel prophesied.  A new star will appear.  Wonders will be shown in the heavens. There will be a day and a night and a day without darkness.

He also prophesied of Jesus’ death.  There will be three days of complete darkness.  There will be earthquakes, thundering and lightning; all of the solid earth will be broken up; there will be great tempests; valleys will become mountains and mountains will be made low; many persons will rise from the grave.

He tells them that they have the freedom to choose good or evil, life or death.

The year is 6 B.C. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Helaman 14 Samuel the Lamanite On the Wall

Samuel the Lamanite stands on the city wall at Zarahemla and calls the Nephites to repentance but they will not repent.  He tells them that as a consequence of their hard hearts, “…your destruction is made sure; yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head.  O ye people of the land, that ye would hear my words! And I pray that the anger of the Lord be turned away from you, and that ye would repent and be saved.”  Evidently, one can be sealed up to destruction by disobedience and rebellion in the same way one can be sealed up to eternal life and happiness by obedience, repentance, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.